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airstream chronicles – miranda lambert

  • miranda lambert airstream 2.0 – the full scoop

    i’m not sure what in God’s green earth made me ever think this makeover project might be simple. but, apparently aliens took over my brain and i had a case of short-term dementia that…

    April 24, 2018
  • miranda lambert’s airstream 2.0

    we all know i’m a pretty unpredictable (translate: mediocre, subpar, second-rate) blogger. but this time, we’ve been off the ole blog grid for a shamefully long time. (does >3 months quantify as shamefully long?…

    February 26, 2018
  • AiRSTReAM ChRONiCLES: chapter 5-LikE a RhineSToNE CowBOY…

    we have a confession: it involves rhinestones. and curtains. and a mexican batea. and a cowboy… NoW that MiRANdA has seen her 1953 FLyING CLouD AiRSTreAM transformed into a CoSMIC COwGiRL SaLoon on WhEELS…we’re…

    April 10, 2010
  • AiRSTReAM ChRONiCLES: chapter 3-channeling texas bars

    YeSTErDAY amiE shocked herself not once but twice, I sandEd the floor once twice 3 TiMES, DaD reworked the salvaged CirCUS WHeeL bar top more times than we want to admit & JaNIE was STiLL wishin for a…

    March 11, 2010
  • AiRSTREAM ChRONICLES: chapter 2

    it’s OFFiCIAL. amie’s hyperventilating, my throat is constricting, and JaniE’s still wishing for a CoRONA. PaNIC has moved into GypSYViLLE.  7 DaYS leFT and here’s what the AiRSTREAm looked like this morning…  it’s time…

    March 9, 2010

    In tribute to all the ROadside bars, seedy dives, and backROAD dancehalls that have inspired MiRaNda LamBErt along the way, she’s decided it’s time to hit the AmERICAN highways … like a troubadour cowgirl…

    March 6, 2010