YeSTErDAY amiE shocked herself not once but twice, I sandEd the floor once twice 3 TiMES, DaD reworked the salvaged CirCUS WHeeL bar top more times than we want to admit & JaNIE was STiLL wishin for a CoRONA.
we’ve channeled LeGENDARy TeXAS baRS, BLoWN the EleCTRiCiTY and had deliveries of LuckenBACH souvenirs, OLd DIXiE ChiCKEN wood, & HoMEMadE DING-DoNGS. 4 DaYS left…the SaGA continues…
yeS, it really took that many steps…(or maybe it just seemed like it…i’m not sure anymore….maybe i’m delirious from the paint fumes…)
If Lovin’ you is WroNG, i don’t wanna be right…
MeanWHiLE we cosmically channeled LeGENDary TeXAS bars all day. we started off our morning with a visit from the girLS of the DiXIE chiCKEN who brought us a little piece of hiSTORY for the AiRSTREAM…
ThEN…we had a special delivery from the MaILmAN…
which i have decided was DesTINY channeled directly from my cosmic vibes since i just happened to be sportin my LUckENBACH tee yesterday!
AND the day just kept getting beTTER! because then a little angel named PaTRICIA showed up with a little piece of heaven in to-go boxes filled with soul food and HoMeMADE desserts! deeeee-licious homebakED breads, chicken spaghetti, tortilla soup, and hellllloooo cookies, kolaches and HomEMADE ding-dongs courtesy of MeLiSSA & ThE BAKE ShoPPE all the way from CyPrESS, TeXAS!
We’RE movin in the furniture, hangin the HoMEmaDE curTAINS, and fillin’ our BeLLIES with good grub!
The planks from The Chicken … holy cow. I’m speechless. Those are ridiculously wonderful! What I wouldn’t give to hang those lovelies in my own little corner of the world :).
Lookin’ good LADIES!! One of my friends won the choco ding-dong during Valentines and she shared some with me. So I know what you are talking about on the yummy desserts!! Can’t wait to see this project complete.
Oh, it’s looking fantastic! That floor is to die for…can’t wait to see it all finished.
They send those desserts in a box?? I’m gettin some homemade ding dongs!! You people are AmAzING. Frost the beer glass get Janie a beer already 🙂
Lookin’ good girls!! Love love love yall!
wall color is fabulous and the floor is oh so fun! pure junk gypsy magic!
Tell Janie the first cold one is on me! See y’all soon and whatever you’re taking for all that energy…bring me some!
You are all living the life! Keep up the hard work, I can’t wait to see the finished airstream! LOVE those boards from the Dixie Chicken (we don’t have those in CA 🙁 What I wouldn’t give to have a local dance hall…
I can’t wait to see how it turns out. You gals ROCK!! Looove the floors.
Girls- Amazing as always!!! How fortunate to have a little piece of the chicken grace the airstream- I was straining to see if my initials were any part of it! I would love to have an old board or two from the Chicken around here!! Can’t wait to see you– Warrenton is near!
I adore that ceiling reflection! You girls are fabulous! I love the chronicles coming as you work so hard, but the goodies and treats are to die for as said! Sing while you work!
Smiles, Cyndi
Hi Amie~ It seems like a hundred years since I have seen you! I enjoy seeing what you have been up to through your website and the magazines! I know this trailer will be amazing!! Looking forward to seeing it when it’s done. Stop by my blog if you get a minute. Love and hugs~ Mandy (Your old Canton friend.)
Not only are we Airstream friendly, in a great part of Texas, but love Miranda. Lets have the unveiling up here on the Ranch. Nothing Fancy…but its home. Mountain Springs, Texas.
looks great!!!! where can i buy ceiling tin ? or whatever you call it . thanks jennyjan looks great
love it
noooo words! Wait..AWESOME! So country funk and I love it!