we have a little bit of very big news that we’ve had to be hush-hush about for way too long and now we can finally let the proverbial cat outta the bag. the fortuitous…
as y’all know, we have a thing for horses. and we have a thing for PBteen. (we also have a thing for dark chocolate but we’ll talk about that another time) our 3rd collection…
we’ll be headed for the big city this weekend! we’ve got a long list of to-do’s for our short visit…ice skating, restaurants, shopping, santa & buddy the elf sightings, ugly christmas sweater hunting, and…
here’s the deal. we remember being a teenager (oh sweet gracious, mom and i especially remember amie being a teenager…and i thank the good Lord above that we all survived those years. seriously. it’s…
through a series of VERY fortunate events that took place last fall, we ended up working on the biggest project of our JG lives. a project that really felt more like a dream. it…