we might have been just slightly too excited about our little green day airstream project….or maybe just a little too “into” the whole thing… i’m not sure what happened here. but it is slightly…
it’s official. season 3 is comin’ at ya. NEXT FRIDAY, may 15th. mark your calendars. set your DVR’s. call your cable company and make sure great american country is on your package so you…
first of all…let me just get it out there…THANK YOU. come on let’s hug it out. for reals. thank y’all for your comments on my last post… from the bottom of my heart. i…
there once was a guy named jason…who fell madly, deeply, and fiercely in love with a girl named lynsey. and these two…well they decided they wanted to be farmers. and so they did. they…
through a series of VERY fortunate events that took place last fall, we ended up working on the biggest project of our JG lives. a project that really felt more like a dream. it…
a few years ago, we ventured off into a new chapter in the junk gypsy story. we filmed a TV show. we never set out to be on TV… in fact, it was never,…
well, here we are…strolling off into crazytown. again. um yes, please…i’ll have a large order of mucho loco with a side of extra spicy loco. and we decided, if we’re going to crazytown, we’re…