us & HGTV are bringin’ you the most epic GaRAGE SaLE showdown this side o’ the RiO GRANDE! GaRAGE SALE WARS airs FRiDAY…MaY 10! AND GeT reaDY!!!! we’re having our FirST OFFiCiAL twitter partayyyyy with…
from the bluebonnet lined roads of brenham, texas to the big city lights of houston, texas…us and hgtv have been hitting the ‘hoods for the great american garage sale showdown. it was suburbia madness.…
’cause HGTV’s gonna put on a SHOW. it’s gonna be the battle of the ‘burbs…the duel of JUNK…an epic GREAT AMERICAN garage sale. get ready y’all…we’re filming 2 specials with HGTV…it’s a garage sale…