we quietly kicked off JuNK-A-PaLOOZA FriDAY morning by cranking up the siren & lights on our 1939 InTERNAtionAL FiRETRUCK & dropping the velvet rope between the Fu DOGS..while ArCHIE and NAte (an innocent victim volunteer) donned life-size…
to pick up where i left off….. BeCAUSE there was no time for rest, we decided we had no option but to: a) adhere to mom’s torturous, inhumane, just-let-us-die, homeopathic ALfaLFA-therapy regime, b) pull ourselves up by…
HaVE i mentioned that we’re all a little under the weather? and janie’s making us drink this…. as DaD, amie, and I were choking (translation: gagging) it down…dad asked if it was alfalfa. MoM was…
ThiS weekend…while our good friends, OLLy & RiCHARD, of FLaT EaRTH DeSiGNS were here in the florida keys (see above)… we were here… gearin up for our BiGGO, GaLACTIC JuNK-A-PaLOOZA! AnD we received a JaMES…
ToDAY… amy allen (aka ArCHIE) showed up with PinK and PuRPLe stripes in her hair HiLARY brought PauLA DEEN buttttttah pound cake BryAN (aka CrAZY LEGS, IcEPICK, EaRL, SnAKE BiTE) strongly feels the DiSCOVERY…
yep, it’s true. we’re bonafide, for sure, certifiably muyyyy loco. (that’s crazy for the spanish-challenged) and here’s just a few reasons why… we’re gearin up for a BiGGO, GaLACTIC JuNK-A-PaLOOZA WaREHOUSE SaLE to be held in just…