- amy allen (aka ArCHIE) showed up with PinK and PuRPLe stripes in her hair
- HiLARY brought PauLA DEEN buttttttah pound cake
- BryAN (aka CrAZY LEGS, IcEPICK, EaRL, SnAKE BiTE) strongly feels the DiSCOVERY channel should be doing a documentary on all the critters around the warehouse
- MeGAN got all giddy ’bout our new ChiLLin’ LiKE a VILLAin cold cups
- JaNIE proclaimed it was 5 o’clock somewhere
- and AMiE felt violated by her first experience getting a spray tan (yes, this is her glamorous preparation for HoLLYwood)
AnD very importantly….we called in the QUEENS o’ the MESS HALL – our good friends, MeLiSSA & PatriCIA from THE BaKE SHOPPE & CaFE in CYPReSS, TX- and ordered up allllll kinds o’ home cookin’ to carry us through the next few weeks. i’m talkin chicken pot pie, ChiCKEN enchiladas, ChiCKEN spaghetti, oh-my-goodness-makes-ya-wanna-slap-yo-mama PuLLED porK, MEATLoAF, homemade rolls (come to mama), annnnnnnd sparkly, frosty, whimsically-beautiful CupCAKES!!!!
…our new ChiLLIN’ LiKE a ViLLAIN cups have MeGAN all giddy inside…
aND our new SaVE THE PLAnET tee design just came in…hot off the press…and we’re loooooovin’ it! can’t wait to show ya!!!
ThE COUNTDoWN is on…the film crew arrives in 10 DaYS!
JuNK-A-PALOOZA in 16 days!
was it 10 in the morning when Janie made her announcement?
of course not, debbie!….it was 11. and she’s wondering if the lime in her CORoNA counts as a fruit serving….
I love this post! Can’t wait to see y’all in a few short week, ye haw…
thank you! thank you!!! can’t wait to see y’all tooooo!!!!
i’m joining megan, because i’m borderline obsessed with how much i love those cups! i may not be able to wait until october to drink my daily vat of water from one. so excited for all the excitement going on in jg land!
THIS blog (and the website) is the most delicious thing I’ve ever seen online. My friend (who recently left me to move to TX w/ her hubby) told me about this! Now I wanna live in TX too! Wish I could come to Junk-a-paloosa! Looks like HEAVEN! I will be stalking your blog on a regular basis now. So glad she told me about it! 😀
Yummm…Bake Shoppe! Can’t wait to see y’all on your new reality show and hopefully I’ll be able to swing by and say hi in Warrenton! Can’t wait!