to pick up where i left off…..
BeCAUSE there was no time for rest, we decided we had no option but to: a) adhere to mom’s torturous, inhumane, just-let-us-die, homeopathic ALfaLFA-therapy regime, b) pull ourselves up by our bootstraps, and c) GeT to WoRK.
the tents went up…
thE port-A-PottY rolled in…

{JeRRY & PiERS adjusting our windshield-road cams. yes she’s eating here…but she had a mouthful in all my shots…she might kill me for posting this :)}
BuT first…JeRRY and the guys attach and secure the OFFiCiAL trailer-cam before we go…
annnnd then we made it back to the LanD o’ GypSYViLLE to get ready for our BiGGO GaLACTiC JuNK-A-PaLOOZA….
JuST like a GypSY…
AnD here’s one of our new tee designs…SaVE the PLaNET! it’s the OnLy one with CoRNBREAD!
and oh-how-much we looooove the ‘moonlight-on-the-tent’ shots. there’s just something magical and peaceful and beautiful about this moment…the fruits of your labor, chandeliers glowing, tent decorated, under the canopy of a striped tent…all nestled safely under the TeXAS sky. twas the night before….
stay tuned!!! JuNK-A-PaLOOZA pics headed yer way!
Can’t wait to meet you gals when i drive from Cali to Round Top in 2 WEEKS, alone & I’m no that young anymore. It’s well worth it to get a junk gypsy tank top & wear it to y’all’s prom. {I’m practicing my texan}…see you soon or BUST!
I so wish I was headed west again too! I met you as frstyfrolk and my blog is ByLightOfMoon. I need to be one person! I know Susie will be in for a real treat to meet ya’ll and the Gypsyville Gang!
I can’t wait for your show to be on TV where the world can see how much fun you girls are! I need that truck to go junkin’ too!
Have fun till the next event winds down and you can sit a spell with the fall leaves! Smiles, Cyndi
This is great – thanks for posting. Can’t wait to see more pics not to mention your show!!! Also want to compliment you on your Chevy truck!! As a wife of GM retiree – I thank you for the support!! We are headed your way in a couple of weeks from Michigan – can’t wait to see all the your treasures and pick some up for myself and my girls. Keep the posts comin’ – LOVE ’em!