JuNK-A-PaLooZA, baby!

September 10, 2010

we quietly kicked off JuNK-A-PaLOOZA FriDAY morning by cranking up the siren & lights on our 1939 InTERNAtionAL FiRETRUCK & dropping the velvet rope between the Fu DOGS..while ArCHIE and NAte (an innocent victim volunteer) donned life-size wings and top hats and handed out tickets for the JuNKtaSTICAL giveaways!

{the first people in line had driven 5 HouRS! and decorated a tee just for the event! XOXOXO to y'all!}

{let me hear ya say 'wooo-hoooo!!!'}

they came from near. they came from far (18 hours!).

{DaNA & GARY came all the way from KaNSAS!}

they came. they saw. they got the tee shirt

(did we mention el cheapo souvenir tees??!!).

we saw old friends…

{AnGIE & KeLLY...2 long-time JG shoppers...and friends}

{MoLLIE & GAbriELLE...all the way from NeW ORLeaNS!}

{catchin up with BiLL ALLen and his renegade motorcycle posse}

and made new ones…

{WahOO SUE of the RuSTY RanCH in BLAnCO, TeXAS}

WaHOO SuE and her deAR hubby made an appearance in this rockin’ ride! we tricked it out JG style…with one of our neW HiPPie HiGHWay VeLVET steering wheel covers

{TriCKin' out the RuSTY raNCH ride...makin it road-worthy gypsy-style!}

& a ‘well-behaved women rarely make history’ BuMpER stiCKER!

{you had me at 'wahoo....'}

yeeee-hawwwww, sister!

FRoM boots to pies to DiNG-DoNGS…the giveaways were a BLaST!

{ELaINE posing with her new ToNY LaMA kicks she won!}

the film crew got the inside scoop…

{gettin' the scoop...}

MoTORCyCLERS rolled in like the RoCKSTARS that they are…

{a waaaay beyond-cool grand entrance....}

OvER 40 in number…their exhaust pipes rumbled, their black leather fringe drifted gently in the hot summer air, THey. ARe. So…..CooL.

{bill allen of BiLL aLLEN's MotorCYCLES...the ultimate NiCE guy...spreadin' the LuV!}

 we worked. we danced. we JuNK-A-PaLOOZa’d!

{scootin' a boot to the JoHN EvANS BanD!}


and we partied til we were pooped….

{after 2 days of JuNK-A-PaLoozin' it, MoLLIE decided to take a break FLeaMARKet-style!}

A ShouT out to all the folks that helped this JuNK-A-PaLOOZA rock!

AnD a special XOXOXXO to our new FiLM CrEW FriENDS…JeRRY, PierS, ScoTT, ChriS, MoLLY, DaVID, JaRED, KeLLY, COReY, ALiSON, and of course…DaWN….makin’ it happen…

{jerry & CoREy}

{ScoTT, PiERS, and JaRED}

{jared....from NeW JErSEY to LA to TeXAS...XOXO!}


{ChRIS (aka FeRRIS)...catchin the dance moves!}

aaaannnndddd roadside on our roadtrip…

{DaWN, MoLLY, CoREy and ScoTT}

AnD MoST mucho importantly…BiG, huge thanks to EVeRYBODY that traveled from near and far to come to our biggo GaLACtiC JUNK-A-PaLOOZA!!!! thanks for making what we do soooo much fuN…you make our hearts go pitter-patter!

seeeeeee y’all sooooon! WaRRENToN ANTiQUeS WEEK is just around the corner!!!!!!

stay tuned…RoyERS RouND TOP CaFE, RachEL AsHWELL, and AnTIQUES week comin soooooon!

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  • Reply shabby mama September 10, 2010 at 4:27 pm

    you chicks do everythang in such great junkin’ style!!!

  • Reply debbie york September 10, 2010 at 4:32 pm

    Man I knew I shoulda been there to keep y’all in check! Way too much fun going on there! Woo to the Hoo!
    See you in a coupla weeks!

  • Reply Angie September 10, 2010 at 5:57 pm

    Such fun!! XOXO

  • Reply vintagesusie September 10, 2010 at 9:40 pm

    Gotta get to Texas come Hell or High Water! {the high water may actually happen, right! lol}
    Thanks y’all for stoppin by my blog to say hi…the bloggy friends are helpin me decide how to get there, car or plane. Looks like I’ll be….
    They want me to enjoy the open road & to be able to bring back tons of JUNK! The bloggy friends have spoken & so it WILL BE!!! ha, ha
    Can’t wait to meet y’all, can’t wait to get a tee, can’t wait for the prom, can’t wait to find some good JUNK, just CAN”T WAIT!!!
    See you soon cute junky girls…TEXAS or BUST!

  • Reply texas trash September 11, 2010 at 11:38 am

    you guys rock!! cream of the crop, first class gypsys all the way!!

  • Reply Suzanne September 11, 2010 at 7:57 pm

    IT Was FUN!!!! SO Glad to be a Part of the DAy!!!!!!
    See you in a few weeks!!!!

  • Reply Punkie Conlee September 14, 2010 at 3:08 pm

    Looks like it was fabulous and wonderfully over the top!

  • Reply Dan Riggs October 1, 2010 at 6:52 pm

    I’ll be back to check your site out in detail later.

    Love and Light,

    Ye Ole Slydog

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