it’s OFFiCIAL. amie’s hyperventilating, my throat is constricting, and JaniE’s still wishing for a CoRONA. PaNIC has moved into GypSYViLLE.
7 DaYS leFT and here’s what the AiRSTREAm looked like this morning…
it’s time to ShAKE ‘n BaKE, BABY! A few action shots…
TuRNING the floor into a RoLLin’ RoCKSTAR, hONKYtoNKin’ HeaVEN right NOW …(here’s a hint…)
then moving in the salvaged BaR, rusty-crusty tables, roadworthy benches, the FuNKY repurposed SoFA (you gotta see this to believe it!), and MoRE! whew!
annnnd Mr. Manthei…our old-school sign painter…
***MeaNWHILE, in other news…***
MiRaNDA’s parents, RiCK & BeV LamBERT, stopped by for a visit…soooo we did what any gypsy on a tight-impossible-never-gonna-make-it-no-time-to-eat-or-sleep-or-take-care-of-personal-hygeine-schedule would do…
we took ’em to the DiXIE CHiCKEN (a moment of silence, please) …for an officially un-OFFiCIAL biz meeting…
for a lunch with good friends over a CoLD beeR and a pLATE of TiJUANA friES…
SoMEBoDY give me a HaLLELUjAH up in hERE!
We LoVE the DiXIE CHiCKEN. it’s TeXAS. it’s SouTHERN. it’s irreverent and cozy and CLAssiC. it’s LEgENDARY and to all who have walked through those swinging saloon doors, you know there is no other place like it on EaRTH. but that’s a WhOLE ‘nother blog entry of it’s own…
and a stroLL down BoTTLECaP ALLEY as we head back to work…
BeV came bearing gifts…
WiNE from the ReD 55 WiNERY…MiRANDA’s own private LaBEL…does it get any better? ThE DiXIE ChiCKEN, TijuaNA FrieS, good friends, and eAST teXAS WinE??!! HALLELuJAH & AMEN!
and now…BaCK to WoRK! SHAkE ‘n BaKE, bABY! ShAKE ‘n BaKE!!!!!
and oh yeah….
I’m (hopefully – cross yer fingers) about to embark on a similar project…thanks for all the great ideas…hope I can scrounge up some junk that’s half this fabulous! (and convice the hubby that hot pink/sparkles/zebra stripes are the hip thing for a happenin’ cowboy home on wheels…)
,,,Amie? Looks like Janie Patterson to me about 30 years ago
I freakin’ love the color!!! Can’t wait to see what you do with the old license plates. I am using them to tile the back slash in my trailer. I thought it would look good with the turquoise appliances. I can’t believe that you are going to have it finished in 7 days. AWESOME!
Love the Blog! See ya in a couple of weeks! Please bring some T-Fries w/ you! 🙂 XOXO
Girls!!!! I’m stressing over here!! I know y’all will make the deadline….I’m sending positive energy your way <——– ++++++++++++ You feeling it? ++++++++++++++ Oh…and the blog RAWKS!! xoxo, Ginny Kaye :))
You can do it ladies! If anyone can, it’s y’all! Can wait to see the finished product!
Love it!
Aaaww, girls, I KNOW ya’ll can make it happen! It’s going be rockin’ fabulous!!! So excitin’ to watch it come together! Thanks for the treat!
This is SO many kinds of awesome! I can’t wait to see the finished product! (And I can’t wait to catch Miranda here in Atlanta in only nine days!!)
Great job girls, as usual! 🙂
Hey there ladies! Lookin good, I so want one of my own! Love the blog! Love the airstream, Love the goods! Have Fun, and good luck!
LOVE LOVE LOVE the BLoG!!!!!! Have been following the ENtIrE time!!!! AND my huSbANd is fOlLOWinG the AiRStrEaM RenO! He tHinKs TheRe Needs to be A 53 BuICk PulLinG THat 53 AiRsTReaM
Cannot wait to see it finished. So jealous. I have always wanted a vintage one!
I HEART the chicken. I HEART bottle cap alley. I HEART college station and my dear ole ags. I HEART miranda. I HEART the gypsies.
….i wanna be one when i grow up!
I can print or paint any signs on old tin, old barn, fabric. Anything it’s something to think about. if you needed it. Sherry Street