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antiques week & JuNK-O-RAMA PrOM

  • a little witch in all of us.

    we love it when the stars align in a magical, mystical, cosmic kind of way and the perfect moment is born. this antiques fest, it was our Practical Magic Party. it was enchanting and…

    October 14, 2019
  • the junk beckons…

    It’s our most favorite time of year!! Spring Antiques Week!!!! THe official Zapp Hall dates are listed above BUT it’ll be full swing as of about a FULL week before that!! Bluebonnets, Junk, Sunshine,…

    March 14, 2019
  • texas antiques week(s)

    i know, i know, i know….i KNOW what y’all are thinking. you’re wondering why in the world it’s still called Texas Antiques Week when it’s clearly more than 1 week long and furthermore, WHAT…

    September 10, 2018
  • the greatest show on earth

    the greatest show on earth. the twice-a-year Texas Antiques Week right here in Round Top/Warrenton/Fayetteville/Burton. it’s when 100,000 people and over 2500 vendors converge on our little community of only 90. that’s right 90…

    March 21, 2018
  • 8th wonder of the world

    it’s like an 8th wonder of the world. the twice-a-year Texas Antiques Week right here in Round Top/Warrenton/Fayetteville/Burton. it’s when 100,000 people and over 2500 vendors converge on our little community of only 90.…

    September 16, 2017
  • natural born junkers – Texas Antiques Week 101 ?

    it’s almost that time of year again…the most glorious time of year when the annual junkers migration to the promised land of junk occurs right smack dab in our neck of the woods. for…

    March 7, 2017
  • 11 facts to be a Junk-O-Rama Prom expert

    the legend and lore of Junk-O-Rama prom extends far and wide…it is a mystical, magical event that takes place twice yearly in what is basically a cow pasture on the side of the road. it’s…

    September 25, 2016
  • biscuits & books.

    as y’all probably know by now, biscuits make my world go ’round… and in case you didn’t, just READ HERE. so we decided it was only appropriate to honor our first book signing with…

    September 13, 2016
  • blurred lines.

    the junkers migration has begun. and although texas antiques week typically doesn’t officially start until later this week, the truth is no one really knows when it starts and ends. it’s a blurred line. and maybe…

    September 22, 2015