there’s a big something new on the horizon…and it’s pretty darn amazing. it’s sublime. it’s poetry on canvas.
“painting is poetry that is seen rather than felt.” – leonardo davinci
we’re very excited to announce a collaboration with the fantastically talented and down-home sister from another mister, deann hebert, of franklin tennessee.
here’s the deal…we, like so many of you, have admired and loved and ooh’ed and awe’d and imagined pieces of her work in our own homes for some time now. “i’ll take one of those and one of those and one of those, please & thank you.”
so when deann contacted us and suggested an exclusive line of her masterpieces in the JG aesthetic & with JG paint, we didn’t hesitate…because A: ummmm yes. we LOVE everything you do and now it’ll be even better because it’s JG-inspired. and B: my house is BEGGING for your art to live in it.
and the rest…is history….
classic deann creations….inspired by everything JG is…cowgirls, wide open spaces, backroads, and the wild blue yonder. and in deann’s words: “inspired by dreamers and doers, wanderlust, following your dreams and never giving up.”
more about deann’s process:
“In her acrylic paintings, Tennessee artist Deann Hebert seeks to tell the stories of our Southern collective past, to inspire the viewer to listen to our ancestors voices, to not just see but cherish our old places and the lives they have influenced. Using an impasto technique she’s developed and perfected over the past ten years, her work recalls the bucolic atmosphere of rural life. She employs a soft, neutral palette and layer upon layer of painted texture that is reminiscent of tree bark and peeling barn paint.
While influenced early on by Fauvist painters Andre Derain and Henri Matisse, her work slowly took on a less saturated palette in favor of more weathered, rustic hues reflective of the rural environment that is her inspiration. The artist approaches each canvas intuitively– painting not from a preconceived sketch, rather, following the way the paint and palette knife are leading. Working in a wet on wet technique, Hebert starts by mixing up a few colors that are pleasing together, laying on color and building it up, sometimes up to ten layers, before she begins scratching into the surface, freeing the figure or landscape waiting to be revealed.
Having grown up on a farm in rural Alabama, Hebert is most at home among the old barns and country churches of the South. After earning her Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from Auburn University, Hebert left the familiarity of the South for a time, studying at the Chelsea School of Art & Design and the Central St. Martins School of Art & Design in London. As much as her paintings speak to the rural history of the South, the use of soft, natural color, rich texture, and natural elements give the work a beautifully cozy appeal that art collectors across the country are taking to. She has been the featured artist in the popular Harding Art Show in Nashville, was named the winner of the Emerging Artist contest in Art Galleries & Artists of the South Magazine and was featured in the 2013 Southern Living Showcase home and most recently in the 2014 HGTV Smart Home in Nashville, Hebert’s work has been rising in popularity and acclaim.
To Hebert, the heart and soul of the South is found in its people and places and her work reflects the warm hearts and weathered faces of its folk, the sweetness and elegance of its landscape. From her studio inside the historic Factory at Franklin, among the old barnwood walls and cement floors, the artist continues to add layer upon layer to her own uniquely Southern story.”
from deann herself:
“I absolutely love the consistency of Junk Gypsy paint, I just had to get my hands in and create some paintings out of it! I hope you enjoy my line of art especially created for my friends, the Junk Gypsies”
and now, may i present…the wild & free collection by deann hebert for junk gypsy using junk gypsy paint…
strings & a dream.
cowgirls are forever.
wild at heart.
back road views.
for the complete line, you can see these at the JG world HQ and online HERE….and choose one of each in every size for your own home.
but seriously, y’all. i’ve never really been that person that can stare at a piece of art and “get it”…ya know?
maybe i’m kinda like ferris bueller…i LOVE art. and i WANT to appreciate art. but i don’t always know great art when i see it. (but shall we take a moment to discuss sloan’s jacket? O.M.G. fringe. leather. WHITE. gorgeousssssss)
wait. i digress…distracted by the fringe. happens every time. what i’m trying to say is deann’s art might legitimately be the FIRST artwork i’ve ever truly appreciated. the first art that “speaks” to me per say. the first pieces of “fine art” that i actually, truly want.
i think it’s her down home sense. her eye for beauty in the simplistic. whatever it is, we are all really proud she chose us to collaborate with…and our paint….and stay tuned for pics of these bad boys hanging in my home.
for all you pinterest folks….here’s a special-just-for-pinterest image…longggg & skinny for pin-awesomeness. go PIN crazy! (and say hi to amie while you are up on the pinterest interweb…lawdy, she’s OBSESSED).
Ahhh these are soo soo beautiful!!! LOVE! I don’t even know what else to say, words wouldn’t be enough ?
aren’t theyyyyy??? i want one of EACH!!!
Love these paintings! I will be ordering one.. or maybe two.
I love all the paintings!
Pretty colors
The colors are beautiful! If she ever does a “round 2” I would love to see her paint horses, and that truck!
Lucky some aren’t