or in our case, when in LA….
but in this PaRIS-inspired coffee shop in LA, it’s a JaVA holder. a coffee cup. a top-o’-the-mornin-shot-o’-caffeine-to-get-ya-goin container. we stayed at our sweet friend & ShABBY ChiC pioneer, RaCHEL AShWELL’s house in brentwood and this cafe was just a short little skip from her lavender-filled backyard.
soooooo, we’re back from our biggo GriSWALD-esque trip to LA. and we managed to squeeze in some serious sight-seeing in between our itinerary of meetings…
we went. we saw. we ate. we drank. we rented a 15-passenger GOOd Timin’ VaN (which the kids quickly dubbed the ‘happy van’) and decided to go on a lil roadtrip.
and i’m quite sure EvERYONE was checkin out our super-fly set o’ wheels with envy! admit it, who DoESN’t want a happy van?!
our trip in a nutshell….
JaNIE & AmiE had near panic attacks in the SaNTA YNeZ mountains.
which was right before we got lost and flagged some nice man down in the middle of the road for directions. HowEVEr, JanIE quickly got better after a stop at the GaINEY ViNEYaRD winery…
we checked out the breathtaking Nojoqui waterfall nestled deeeeeep way out in the middle of good-gawsh nowhere…
DaD and my husband, ToDD (aka T.SMiTTY), looked like they took a wrong turn headed to the OK CoRRAL and ended up on the beach in their jeans and cowboy boots (ya know what they say….you can take the boy outta the country but you can’t take the country outta the boy…).
we cruised the beach tourist-style in one of these awesomely cool bicyles!
annnnnd then……
and most importantly, in our meetings we met some of the nicest folks EvER that showed us that true SouTHERN hospitality is alive and well on the WeST coAST and for that we are soooo TRULY thankful from the bottom of our heaRTS.
Here’s a CLiFFS notes version of our many meetings…what went down, number of times we cried during our meetings, how many times i ate falafel, and what’s comin to a TV near you:
we met with the MOST wonderful people that were kind, sincere, and humble (XOOXO to all of you!!)
we will be OFFiCIALLY filming a PiLOT for a JuNK GyPSY show next month (august 2010)
from JunK-a-PaLOOZa to roadtrips to AiRSTREAM makeovers…it’s all comin to a netWORK near you!
air daTE and network to be announced soooooon…we promise to keep ya posted!
number of times we cried: i think i lost count at around 6…we tend to get a little misty when we talk about JuNK GypSY, our family, and all of you that have let JG become a part of your lives! It was hilarious and embarassing at the same time…kinda like a chain reaction…one of us would start getting a little teary-eyed and the next thing ya know, we’d all be cryin like babies!
and oh yeah…number of times i ate falafel: 9 …and oh my goodness, this PLaCE had THE bEST FaLAFEL EvER! …smack dab in the middle of the BreNTWOOD countRY MART (where we happened to see the beautiful BrooKE ShieLDS).
Speaking of ThE BreNTWOOD CounTRY MARt…we LoVED this place! and were totally LUCKY to catch their soooo cool retro outdoor movie night…featuring Singin in the RaIN! popcorn, snacks, and kid-size directors chairs!
and of course, no trip is complete without a stop at a local juNK ShoP…
SiGNING off from GypSYViLLE…lots of big LoVE to all of you and to everyone at our new NeTWORK home for believing in our lil homegrown company! XOXOXXOOXOXO!
How exciting. Sorry you had to leave to cool weather on the West Coast for the heat of Texas, but I know that you are glad to be home. I saw a turquoise Ford similar to the one you all already have, for sale on 850 yesterday… I tried to make Matthew stop so that I could get the info, but we were in a hurry. I even told him that i would drive it and he could keep the mini van, but that didn’t work either.
Sounds like my kind of trip! You guys should blog more often!
This is fabulous news. I’ve been praying for you guys since I read the post on the documentary Cat Daddy’s been keeping me jumping or I would have commented earlier. Can’t wait to see what is down the yellow brick junk road for y’all!
I’m so super happy for y’all! Can’t wait to see the show.
So So SOOOOO excited! fun times ahead!!
Sounds like a great time was had by all!! Look forward to your up and coming show!! Congrats on all of your success!!! Cathy aka Girls Gone Junkin
I have been thinking of all of you since I read you were on the road to L.A.! I could not wait for you to report on your trip and I have bouncing around for you to hear about your trip! I also did a road trip while you were gone but not to claim the fame you have!
I will be on pins and needles till I see your show, I hope I can record it! And that it will be a series! You know I will promote your pilot for you as best I can! Smiles, Cyndi/frstyfrolk
Congrats on the show ladies! That is so exciting! I will be watching and DVRing for sure! Y’all know Rachel Ashwell personally? And stayed at her house?!?! I can only imagine what her guest rooms are like. That’s so awesome! Two of my favorite style icons are buddies! Awesome!
I am so excited about your new adventure!! Can’t wait to hear more…!! Looking forward to the pilot…hope we get to see it 🙂 Fingers crossed for you guys !
When I couldn’t leave the DC suburbs to move to a farm in Missouri, it was YOU three that kept me sane. Visiting your blog every day made me get off my keyster and think, “Hey. If I can’t leave this rat race and get back to the country, I’ll bring the country to ME. I sold my paid-for Mercedes and bought a beat up Chevy Suburban, aptly named her Dixie, started a blog called “Hillbilly Debutante”, wrote a book which is being released August 3rd, sold the movie rights, and now am in the middle of writing the SECOND one….in which one of the characters just happens to go to the Round Top/Marburger Antique Show. To make a long story short, you all inspired me to change my circumstances and I am forever grateful.
Kathie Truitt
“False Victim”
the photo of your dad is priceless….i laughed until i cried!!!
LOVE it!!! Can’t wait to see it…also wanted to let you know I posted about your new TV show on my blog! xo..deb
~Y’all crack me up!~