to say we love fall is an understatement. and even though i love ALL of the seasons, i think i might love fall the most (i mean truly, madly, deeply looovvvvvvve it).
well, and spring too. but that’s it, y’all.
fall and spring. i love fall. and spring. and i also really, really, realllllly like summer. whew, that was stressful.
but now that we have that all cleared up…let’s move on to our latest little “let’s go make something” trip to the barn.
here’s the set-up…amie loves crafts. she’s been playing with glitter & glue & crayons for as long as i can remember. so, a trip to the barn where she can play with glitter and glue and call it “work” behooves all of us. it’s therapeutic. let’s call it glitter-therapy. (believe me, it behooves us all because therapy for amie equals therapy for everybody.)
glitter-therapy with painted pumpkins. glitter therapy with painted pumpkins and your pesky little sister (that’s me) taking pictures, periscoping, tweeting, & instagramming. i’m like a gnat. a gnat that keeps buzzing around your head…driving you crazy but relentless in it’s perseverance. but whatevs. therapy is therapy, right?
first, the ingredients…
- junk gypsy paint – rebel child (we also used wanderlust for a turquoise pumpkin that had a really dreamy fairy tale look)
- white pumpkins (your pumpkins may need a quick rub down with a wet rag)
- paint brushes
- shimmer mod podge (you can also use our JG clear coat for decoupage)
- glitter (we used gold from michaels stores)
then, wield those paintbrushes and start painting…
a little wanderlust on the brush…
and then, rebel child…
apply shimmer mod podge (or JG clear coat) to the stem with a sponge brush…
and now, the fun part…GLITTER. we started out civilized using our DIY glitter shaker…
and then threw caution to the wind, and started using our hands…
a glorious mess…
the scene of the crime…
and because like mother, like daughter (and clearly, more is more)…indie did a few of her own…(indie added free spirit to the bottom pumpkin and melted crayons and glitter and sequins and anything else sparkly she could get her hands on)
and a really cool long skinny image for you pinners…(and btdubs, we THANK you, we LOVE you for pinning!!!)
I live in W.Va. , I love your show are you all are wonderful every thing you touch turns beautiful . I like your paint real well
all the colors are very pretty , I would like to know where you all come up with the ideas so , so wonderful , is your show going to be on the country music channel in our town , of Parkersburg , West , Virginia , I didn’t know if you all would know , but hope you do read this , thanks Naomi
Hi y’all,
Love the pumpkins. Would your paint stick to the artificial pumpkins do you think? If I’m gonna decorate a pumpkin like that it will be for keeps. Got any more shows happening in the future? I want my future daughter in law to see one. She’s never seen what y’all are doing and I think she would go hog wild on it.
I would like to see if I can get a retail store here in Tucson to sell your paint. Do y’all have a brochure or something that I can take down to ’em? I’m new to the smart phones and I don’t think I could make it work to show them online. Besides something that I could leave with ’em would be smarter don’t ya think? My address is 17966 S. Sonoita Hwy, Vail AZ. 85641. There are paint stores but no stores that does what you are looking for on your blog. There should be since people through out really great stuff. Once I went curb picking and there was a antique settee that the bones were still great but needed reapostering, ok I don’t have my dictionary by me, anyways I couldn’t get it in the truck by myself so I had to pass it up. So very disappointing. So, if I can get a paint store to sell it would that be good? ‘Cuz how much is the shipping of a can of paint?
Simply Pumpkindelicious!
I have also painted pumpkins. Painted them red after Halloween and they look like Christmas ornaments. Love your show and can’t wait for the new season.
great idea! and thanks so much for loving the show!!
Great idea for a colorful “family” of GyPsY pumpkins! Thanks for another AwEsOmE idea!! Love you guys, love your show !!
part 2 – forgot to put my name and other stuff. Want you to know who your avid fans are 🙂
How can I buy a couple of your Junk Gypsy Hats?
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[url=]ルイヴィトン スーパーコピー「バッグ色は手触りがいいが、触ってみると、週囲の姉妹はこの綺麗、最近ずっと忙しくて、長い時間がかかりました、いい感じ ヴィトン スーパーコピー ルイヴィトンキーケース コピー当店ルイヴィトン 偽物は創業9年以上の老舗です。業界の長い歴史から言えばまだまだですが、創業 9 年以上の実績と信頼のあるお店です。全世界通信販売は6年前から行っております。さらに1年間で約数万件の販売実績があります。ルイヴィトン スーパーコピー 販売専門ショップです!ルイヴィトン コピー ブランドバッグ、財布、アクセサリー、手帳、ベルト、靴、腕時計、ネクタイ、スカーフなどを揃っております、日本国内最高級のルイヴィトン偽物ブランド激安販売![/url]
[url=]さらに、20 mmのひもが私の例についての湾曲した開口部を通して自然な合うものではありません。だから私の設計目標は、従来から搭載ストラップを保持するが冗長性と独特のルックスをそれに加えました。その結果、多くの紙と革のプロトタイピングに使用する連続ループを確保し、従来のストラップを介して一対のいわゆる「ズールー族の「鋼のループ。 ウブロ 時計 コピー 結果として視覚的密度のストラップ」がたくさんありますが、実際のシステムと腕時計にマウントを製造する技術的に簡単である。概念的に、デザインへの挑戦が、実装するのが簡単である。極端な冗長性と連続的な二次のループで、名前を「インフィニティ・ストラップ」を作りました(私に)。[/url]
I love these pumpkin ideas ♡
Where can we buy your paint? Wonderlust!
I live in Northeast Pennsylvania, your show was on HGTV a long time ago, I didn’t know you still had a show, Loved It, bummed when they took it off. By reading the reviews I see that you still have a show, can you tell me where I can watch it in my area. Thanks
we actually haven’t filmed in about a year. most recently, we filmed mini DIY episodes for facebook, the find and the fix and hgtv digital. you can look it up on FB or on the hgtv app!
I keep re-recording your show. Is there a current show I’m missing?? Wish you were regulars on HGTV!
most recently, you can catch us on facebook the find and the fix!