It’s been almost 3 months since the JG doors were closed due to COVID-19. It was just before the bi-annual antiques show was to commence. Just before 100,000 people would flock to our little town like the great migration of the monarch butterflies. Just before everything changed.
Since that day, we have been living the small business hustle. Online sales have been steady which we could not be more thankful for and we’ve discovered a new branch to our business, Virtual Markets. Turns out, y’all LOVE these! They’ve been so much fun and we’ve loved interacting with y’all on a weekly basis. THANK YOU from the bottom of our hearts to all who tune in every week!
The time has come to reopen … we’ve missed you! We’re excited to have you back! Our doors will officially reopen Thursday, 6/4 at 10am … we will be doing so with a few changes in place in an effort to keep our shoppers, our employees, our community, and our family safe and healthy.
We thank you for making us part of your summer travels and for supporting small business! It is our sincere hope that when you walk through our doors, you can feel the heart and soul we’ve put into every detail!

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