on a dark desert highway…cool wind in my hair

October 15, 2010

a little bit ROADWEaRY and a little bit TucKERED out, the dust is settling from our past few months of mucho loco-ness and we’re finally HoME…turn out the lights, the party’s over. but oh good gracious, what a biggo-TeXAS-sizED-wouldn’t-have-missed-it-for-the-world party it was! there’s sooo much to tell about WaRRENTON ANtiques WeeK (the good junk was as far as the eye could see!) & JuNK-O-RaMA prom (texas-style prom dress revival at it’s finest!)…but let’s start with our most recent adventure, AuSTIN CiTY LiMITS MuSIC FeSTIVAL…where we decked out the OFFiCIAL ARTiST LounGE!  


 with cargo trailers in tow, luggage loaded, and kids strapped in, we hit the road for AuSTIN, TEXAS WEdNESDAY morning….we arrived at ZiLKER PaRK at the crack of dawn…approximately 48 hours after loading out our cow-pasture tent in WaRRENTON, teXAS. 

{the sun rises on ZiLKER PaRK....let the work begin}

{the empty artist lounge tent}


and because ThE EAGLES (a moment of silence here, please) were headlining this epically-FAMouS, 3-day MuSIC FestiVAL, it only seemed appropriate to deck out the artist lounge HoTEL CALiFORNIA-style….with a kick o’ JUnK GypSY of course. 

it was fast. it was furious…we rolled in, and created a HoTEL CALifORNIA lounge like no other in 2 days flat (yep, don henley’s daughter told us the lounge looked like his MaliBU  home…so we took that as a compliment!)! annnnd then it was time for a little gypsy chill time…. 

“WELCOME to the HoTEL CaLIFORNIA…such a lovely place, such a lovely FaCE…PLENTY of room at the HoTEL CaLiFORNIA, any time of year, you can find it here.”  

 “mirrors on the ceiling…pink champagne on ice”   


OK, so the mirrors aren’t quite on the ceiling…but we think ‘mirrors in the corridor with tons and tons of glowing candles, gothic candelabras, & drippy candle wax’ is possibly wayyyy cooler! 

“WELcoME to the HoTEL CALiFORNIA….such a LoVELY PLAce…such a LovELY face.” 


{color-drip candles...one of our FaVE things!}

“and in the MaSTER’s chambers, they gathered for the feast…”  

 3 gothic-spanish styLE harvest tables pushed together, 16 hodge-podge spanish chairs and red velvet theatre fleamarket chairs, 2 VeLVET sofas, 1 black spanish SoFA, 3 red velvet CLUb chairs, 2 ReD VeLVEt leather chairs, countless chandeliers, candles, doors, and curtains…and oh yeah, did i mention 50,000 MILLION flicker light bulbs (yeah, that’s right…we had to highjack 3 HoME depots to find enough!)…”there’s plenty of room at the HoTEL CaLIfornia…any time of year, you can find it here.” 

{flicker bulbs in a gothic sconce and retro HOTeL letters on the exterior of the lounge}

“there she stood in the doorway, i heard the mission bell. and i was thinking to myself, this could be heaven or this could be hell…” 



{"you can check out any time you like, but you can never leave..."}

over 75,000 people attend this enormous MUSiC FEST. it’s a 3-day, 8-stage, 130-band MuSIC experience like no other! 



we worked… 

{makin it happen...}

AMiE & ARchIE rockin the MaKITA drill!

{dad taking a rare sit-down...nestled amongst our herd of tattered red-velvet chairs, with his cowboy hat propped to the side}

we chilled in the lounge… 

{amie & i chillin in our HoTEL CaLiFORNIA-esque lounge...}


 we walked with the masses… 

{amie & dad walk behind a GrEEN mickey MouSE...this IS auSTIn, y'all!}


we ate HuDSONS on the BENd ChiCKEN in a CoNE…

{the one. the only. the FAMOUS...chiCKEN in a CONE!}

we jammed out at the SCHooL of RoCK…

{jammin' RaY CHARLES-style}

we got TaTTOOS…

{when in austin...}

we watched ThE EAGLES sing HoTEL CALiFORNIA…

{a shot of ThE EAGLES from above...a very surreal moment}

and had a HEcKUVA goooood time!
now we’re back in the country…with a PeACEFuL, EASY feelin….
XOXOOXOXO! amie, janie, and jolie
P.S. fashion statements abound at ACL…and we loooooved that we saw lots and lots of MoCS!

{amie sportin her JG WOODsTOCK mocs}

JG LUVS MOCS! check out our tonz of boho hippie MoCs online here!




(a big thanks to the ACL FLiCKR page for some of the shots above!) 

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  • Reply Suzanne October 15, 2010 at 12:55 pm

    Girls— I don’t know How you can Out do Yourselves- BUT This is Beyond AMAZING!!!! I’m in AWE! I’m sure everyone that entered the tent felt they were a world away in the Hotel itself! Hope this brings you alot of business from amazing people! Keep up your Great Gypsy Style!!!

  • Reply Bella's Mom October 15, 2010 at 5:27 pm

    You guys are so lucky, my son went last year and had a blast so we wanted to take him again this year but no luck when we got around to checking on tickets it was all sold out.
    Everything looks great and as always the kids are the cutest!!!

  • Reply Scarlett Fiona Reed October 15, 2010 at 6:01 pm

    What an amazing space you created! Super thoughtful, every single detail is killer, congrats! PS your kids look like angels, I can’t stand it they are too sweet! xoxo!

  • Reply vintagesusie October 16, 2010 at 9:41 pm

    Ok…you gals just know how to ROCK & how to ROLL!!!!
    Hotel Cali was the perfect theme for y’all…& yes, I have retained my southern drawl from my visit to Junky Heaven! LOL
    Loved the red velvet chairs & all the gothic chandaliers with the colored, drippy wax. What a fun event & you got to create the lounge, I’m so proud of my Junky Gals…y’all kick arse.
    Jolie, a Big Thanks for the shout out on facebook! That post turned into my most popular post in like a heartbeat…it was so coooool!
    Can’t wait to get to Texas in the spring & remember…I work for tee’s!!!
    Hugs Gals,

  • Reply Tricia Samsal October 16, 2010 at 10:34 pm

    WOW! I would have loved to see the Artist’s Lounge in person. You ladies are truly amazing. What a feat to accomplish right after Warrenton. Love all the pics, thank you so much for sharing! A-Mazing!!!
    Hugs, Tricia

  • Reply Susie Q* October 20, 2010 at 9:28 am

    Oh I love everything you post, you look like you are having the time of your lives & what beautiful creations you come up with!!! Died & went to heaven when I saw your Hotel California Lounge!!! Congrats on the most sumptuous place on earth!!! Susie Q*

  • Reply dede October 21, 2010 at 3:01 pm

    I want to have a party, just so that you can come and decorate, you ladies are UH-MaZInG!!!!! just sAy’N

  • Reply Elaine August 3, 2011 at 9:33 am

    Girls, i don’t know how you do it. EVERYTHING is GORGEOUS!!!!!!

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