What an amazing picture:) just got my Junk Gypsy Christmas shirt in the mail and love it. Now, where can I get your Momma’ coat and your Daddy’s scarf?! Merry Christmas and Blessings to all of y’all and thank for the joy you bring all of us.
I often wonder if the prmobels with depression in children, that may or may not be on the rise, are partially due to the cumulative bullshit that gets dumped on them from modern day life. I have a wonderful son, who is agoraphobic, suffers from depression, and incredible migraine headaches. I wonder, painfully, if I have contributed to his outlook on life, his varying conditions, via genes, and the crap we have been through in the last decade – and most importantly, my reactions to that.Suicide, no matter how many times it happens, in what age group, or gender, or color, or nationality, is too high. Sometimes desperate intervention is the best that can be done.My personal bouts with mild depression are as puzzling when they come on, as they are when they leave. Why, in either case? I have seen no differences in me with and without medication for it, over time. Only my wallet has seen a difference.Perhaps statistics have a place in this world. They have yet to make the dark clouds appear over head, or make the sunshine return. Perhaps I need to read harder or something.Seeking help from the medical end may as well be treated as if I’m putting replacement windows in my house. I’ll go out for three quotes, and get services from the lowest bidder. Regardless of the outcome of the services rendered, I have to pay for them. If the wrong meds are prescribed, and don’t “do the trick”, or even do the opposite, I still have to pay for them. (Oh, OK, then. Throw those away and try THIS prescription) I have no recourse. The medical industry is the first and fastest to place non-payment on your credit report, to damage your financial reputation, for non-payment. Even when, as stated above, you did NOT get what you paid for. An engineer can’t do that. Nor a car mechanic, carpenter, electrician, lawn mowing service, etc. and etc.Granted, the medical industry has recently prolonged my life. But they did so by removing diseased body parts. And enough was removed only to be sure the “cure” did not kill me. Nothing else has been done. The cause is still flowing through my veins and arteries. We take “pictures” on a regular basis, so it can again be removed when (as expected)it shows up again.So, that’s the best we have, and although it is much better than nothing, reading the rants and raves of a bunch of little girls on your blog isn’t productive. Somehow, since the pundit’s original post showed up, the responders have made it all about him and them, via their opinions.Well, I’m pretty selfish and self centered too. So, screw them. What about me?
What an amazing picture:) just got my Junk Gypsy Christmas shirt in the mail and love it. Now, where can I get your Momma’ coat and your Daddy’s scarf?! Merry Christmas and Blessings to all of y’all and thank for the joy you bring all of us.
I love this picture!!
I often wonder if the prmobels with depression in children, that may or may not be on the rise, are partially due to the cumulative bullshit that gets dumped on them from modern day life. I have a wonderful son, who is agoraphobic, suffers from depression, and incredible migraine headaches. I wonder, painfully, if I have contributed to his outlook on life, his varying conditions, via genes, and the crap we have been through in the last decade – and most importantly, my reactions to that.Suicide, no matter how many times it happens, in what age group, or gender, or color, or nationality, is too high. Sometimes desperate intervention is the best that can be done.My personal bouts with mild depression are as puzzling when they come on, as they are when they leave. Why, in either case? I have seen no differences in me with and without medication for it, over time. Only my wallet has seen a difference.Perhaps statistics have a place in this world. They have yet to make the dark clouds appear over head, or make the sunshine return. Perhaps I need to read harder or something.Seeking help from the medical end may as well be treated as if I’m putting replacement windows in my house. I’ll go out for three quotes, and get services from the lowest bidder. Regardless of the outcome of the services rendered, I have to pay for them. If the wrong meds are prescribed, and don’t “do the trick”, or even do the opposite, I still have to pay for them. (Oh, OK, then. Throw those away and try THIS prescription) I have no recourse. The medical industry is the first and fastest to place non-payment on your credit report, to damage your financial reputation, for non-payment. Even when, as stated above, you did NOT get what you paid for. An engineer can’t do that. Nor a car mechanic, carpenter, electrician, lawn mowing service, etc. and etc.Granted, the medical industry has recently prolonged my life. But they did so by removing diseased body parts. And enough was removed only to be sure the “cure” did not kill me. Nothing else has been done. The cause is still flowing through my veins and arteries. We take “pictures” on a regular basis, so it can again be removed when (as expected)it shows up again.So, that’s the best we have, and although it is much better than nothing, reading the rants and raves of a bunch of little girls on your blog isn’t productive. Somehow, since the pundit’s original post showed up, the responders have made it all about him and them, via their opinions.Well, I’m pretty selfish and self centered too. So, screw them. What about me?