GoD BLeSS buttermilk BiSCUitS..and the hands that make ’em.

May 12, 2010

HerE in the SouTH, certain things are held sacred…giving thanks, FriDAY night FootBALL gaMES, and homemade buttermilk biscuits cooked in the oldest cast-iron skillet you can imagine. DaD’s been perfecting his bread recipes for as long as amie and i can remember…his mama was famous in all of southern ArKANSAS for her yeast-rise cinnamon rolls and he spent many an hour helping her knead, pat, and roll her dough. to him, bread is a science…an art…and believe you me, it is a DELiciouSLY beautiful art!

{daD on the farm – wayyy back when}

in honor of our first morning at our new-old cabin in the country, DaD whipped up some good ole fashioned BuTTERmiLK biscuits.

he first carefully & precisely measures the ingredients…GrANNY used to say it was against the law to measure…

{dad utilizes the same scientific measuring system that his mama used…”a dab of this, a handful of that”}

Man may not be able to live by bread alone…but I can. I love bread. I can’t get enough of it. give me bread or give me death.

{siftin the flour…never, ever, ever skip the siftin…}

and above all other bread, i LOVE dad’s bread….sourdough, yeast-rise, homemade pizza dough, cinnamon rolls, buttermilk biscuits, and holy-moly-the-best-crispy-southern-style-cast-iron-skillet cornbread you’ve ever had in yer life.

{cuttin’ in the butter…yes y’all, real bonafide BuTTER.}

{gettin the key ingredient ready…a little for the batter and then a little in the cup for dad to drink}

and now the next to the best part…

{dad workin his culinary magic…}

{pattin’ out the dough…dad always makes what’s known as ‘cat head’ biscuits (as opposed to rollin ’em out and using a biscuit cutter)}

dad treats his cast-iron cookware like fine china…seasons them with care and NevER, eVER washes ’em…they just get better with age.

{be the biscuit….}

{at this point in the process, i’m not sure it’s humanly possible to wait the 15 minutes of baking time…cruel and unusual punishment}

{heaven…come to mama…}

{grandma’s molasses…oh my good gosh…}

{SaRABEth’S spreadable fruit…made in the BronX…but we won’t hold that against ’em}

you’ll think you died and went to bread heaven.

{can i get a hallelujah and an AMeN?!}

 and because we consider our BuTTERMiLK biscuits a spiritual kind of experience, we decided to honor them with a shirt

{GoD bLEss BuTTERMiLK biscuits!!}

 and we figured it was only right to pass along this family recipe…but remember, perfect biscuits come from practice… and learning how the dough feels in your hands.

we call it SOuL food because not only does this kind of food feed yer soul…but you gotta HAVE soul. YoU gotta FEEL the dough. and LeT IT feed YOUR SouL.

or for those that want to take a lil’ shortcut….CLiCK HERE to whip up a quick batch in yo kitchen!!!

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  • Reply Becky May 12, 2010 at 11:36 am

    I’m on a diet! Guess this post pretty much ruined me!

  • Reply Becky May 12, 2010 at 11:37 am

    Ps…I am on FB too. The Girls of Summer House.

  • Reply Candace Prosser May 12, 2010 at 11:45 am

    You know, you ladies have an awesome dad. Give him a hug for me…he definitely inspired my weekly Friday night pizza feasts. It was like watching an magician when he was tossing pizzas. Now I am gonna have to try his biscuit recipe. My hips don’t thank you, but I am sure my soul is a bit warmer. 😉

    • Reply Jolie May 12, 2010 at 12:00 pm

      awww…sweet candace, you just got me a little choked up! thanks for yer sweet words!!! love and miss y’all and all of overton! XOXO!

  • Reply Suzanne May 12, 2010 at 1:20 pm

    Just made some biscuits down here this morning! I’ve got your shirt too- love buttermilk biscuits!
    Have to ask where you found your Sarabeth’s? I’ve got a recipe that calls for a special one of her jams and I can’t find it around here!
    Thanks for sharing a family recipe-

    • Reply Jolie May 12, 2010 at 2:37 pm

      picked it up at HEB! it’s soooo delicious!!!!

  • Reply Theresa-Garden Antqs Vintage May 12, 2010 at 1:36 pm

    Yum, that recipe looks like pure heaven. I’ll have to try it. Thanks for sharing, T

  • Reply Jessi May 12, 2010 at 1:49 pm

    Thanks for the recipe ladies! I always think that the best recipes should be shared, not kept secret! Can’t wait to surprise the hubby with these!

  • Reply "Nohnna" May 13, 2010 at 8:35 pm

    Oh my gosh…this post made me miss ya’ll sooooo much. Meals with your sweet family have a precious, precious spot in my memories…and the people in those memories have a place in my HeArT forEVER. BIG hugs…hope to see you soon!

  • Reply Ron Knutson May 17, 2010 at 1:57 pm

    Hey, I still have credit for a free meal at A & J’s in Overton,
    can I redeem it here?

  • Reply Sheila Correia May 21, 2010 at 12:02 pm

    I’m SO glad I found your site!! I located you via Folk and Fairy blog. I am a true Southerner who has been located to the Midwest for 12 years now…I understand the importance and value of good ole’ homemade buttermilk biscuits!! I’ll definitely be back for more!!

  • Reply Weekend Cowgirl May 25, 2010 at 11:44 am

    Oh, this recipe looks really tasty. I will try them this weekend! I would be happier if I had a sweet dad that could make them for me!!

  • Reply Julie Federico May 29, 2010 at 8:48 pm

    God bless you for sharing the photos and recipe. My mouth is a waterin’.

  • Reply Mindy June 2, 2010 at 6:47 pm

    And this is what I get for being behind on blog reading. I just had a brunch at my house and I coulda used this recipe! I might have to host another party, just so I can try ’em out on people (not cats and chickens). hmmm Thanks for sharing! ~Mindy

  • Reply Lara June 9, 2010 at 9:17 pm

    sometimes I feel like I was born in the wrong region of the country—I’ve buttermilk biscuits and vintage cowboy boots in my soul..perhaps I’ve got a Texas heart after all 🙂

    How cute was your dad with his rockin’ boots and hat?! you must be proud.
    Lara “Modern Prairie Girl”

  • Reply Lynn December 23, 2010 at 8:00 am

    Yum the biscuit recipe sounds delicious…what a great tribute to your daddy! I make my mine jams & jellies and I am anxious to make these biscuits and spoon on some yummy peach butter or wild grape jelly! Thanks for sharing and Merry Christmas to ya’ll~

  • Reply April June 19, 2011 at 12:22 pm

    This is just soooo special. I would treasure photos like these! thanks for sharing.

  • Reply Hannah (The Rustic Chick) September 1, 2011 at 9:56 am

    Thanks for the recipe! Can’t wait to try them…I love bread way to much! They look amazing! My stomach is now growling!

  • Reply Michaelann Seiders September 1, 2011 at 11:52 am

    Your dad’s recipe is fantastic I have been using this recipe ever since you posted it last, really they are heavenly thanks for sharing!

    • Reply Jolie September 6, 2011 at 11:59 am

      thank you sooo much for appreciating this blog and the recipe!!! those biscuits are pretty special around here!

  • Reply Erin June 4, 2012 at 2:12 pm

    Junk Gypsy Cook Book?? I vote YESSS!

  • Reply Winnie June 12, 2012 at 10:31 am

    I am enjoying your show….I am glad I found you. I love your fun style and I love your work. The woman’s craft space you did was so great and I wanted that airstream. I can’t wait to try these buscuits!

  • Reply Patty Jo August 17, 2012 at 12:58 pm

    Love the show! When will there be new ones. I can’t bring myself to delete any of them. I can’t wait to come see your shop!
    from Katy, TX

  • Reply Georgia @ BrightWing February 7, 2013 at 1:15 pm

    I love you guys so much! Your family is such an inspiration to me! I don’t feel like the Lone Ranger anymore. I love “Garage Sale ing” and thrift stores. I think I have great taste and a good eye. I make really cute eclectic jewelry. My husband hates when I go Sale ing. But I don’t care. Thanks for the recipe! Give your Daddy a hug from me! I know the biscuits will be outta this world! I Wish I could get a bunch of ya’lls stuff! I Love the Moc boots and the concho belt! I have to save my pennies! Love Ya Georgia@ BrightWing.

  • Reply mattie.p October 29, 2013 at 2:24 pm

    reminds me of my momas biscuits .I miss her and her good cookin . thanks for the recipe and the memories .never had them in a cast iron skillet though .gonna have to try that for sure .thanks ,yall are the best

  • Reply txag80 October 29, 2013 at 2:31 pm

    Love yo daddy’s DIXIE CHICKEN t-shirt.
    Gig ’em!

    Gypsy Love,
    Linda ’80

  • Reply Susan Booker June 16, 2014 at 12:21 am

    I Absolutely LOVE Your show. I began driving around Corpus Christi Texas back in 1995 picking up old furniture tossed out by the side of the road and redoing it over to make things for my home, because I couldn’t afford anything at that time. I guess my Junk Gypsie days started way back in 1995. I would love to meet you one of these days. You have re-inspired me to keep on my same path.

  • Reply Scheryl July 20, 2014 at 7:59 am

    I want the tshirt really bad however it only comes in Small? Can’t y’all get some bigger sizes? I need a large or xlarge after eating all those biscuits. By the way , it was worth it!

  • Reply julanne August 14, 2014 at 9:22 pm

    I want the biscuit ‘T’ shirt
    i want the ButtermilkBiscuit ‘T’ shirt

    • Reply julanne August 14, 2014 at 9:23 pm

      Sorry, didn’t mean to submit that twice 🙂

  • Reply Shirley West September 17, 2014 at 11:13 am

    Just put some biscuits in the oven ! Can’t wait to try them !

  • Reply Brenda McKay December 4, 2014 at 1:37 pm

    Sure going to try these bisquets. I remember going camping and my Aunt making buttermilk biscuets in the dutch oven with coals underneath and coals on the lid. Your Dad’s look like the one’s she used to make!

  • Reply Lizza February 27, 2017 at 3:38 pm

    I can’t wait to try these.. maybe some day you will share the cinnamon roll recipe too?

  • Reply Rachel May 15, 2017 at 6:55 pm

    “Stir together liquid stuff in another bowl”… what liquid is there other than the buttermilk? Did I miss something??

  • Reply The Gypsy Farmhouse – before and after – Junk Gypsy Blog February 6, 2020 at 3:36 pm

    […] then dad made biscuits which led to this blog post years ago. And later that day, the kids decided to ride the fenceline like all good country folk […]

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