HeRE we are in WaRRENTON, TEXAS…we’ve ShoPPED. we’ve unloaded. we’ve totally JuNK’d out our cow pasture JG store! and we’re ready to open the GaTES tomorrow!!!! we’re soooo excited about WaRRenTON ANtiQUeS WEEK! it’s the MoTHER LOAD of all antiques shows!
annnnd a sneak peek at the GypSY TeNT…
WhO, please tell me…DOES NOT need a LarGER-THAN-LiFE WaLTER MaTTHAU picture??!!!
the SuN has set…and we’re open tomorrow!!!! y’all come on out! YoU sooo don’t wanna miss this! tha BeST JuNk in the UniVERSE!
JuNK GypSY selling dates: FriDAY, september 24-FriDAY, OcTOBER 1st! JuNK-O-RaMA PRoM, ThurSDAY,SepTEMBeR 30th @ the GypSY TENT!
for yer GPS…. 4217 S hwy 237, warrenton (or round top), tx 78961
Y’aLL hit the road for good times and GREaT JUNK! can’t wait to see ya!!!!
much love and tacos from the cow pastures of ZaPP hALL in WARRENTON, TEXAS 2 U!!!
XOOXXOXOX! the gypsies
yall have a blast!!!!
Thanks for the wonderful picture sbefore you sell everything! I appreciate them since I can;t be there to see you this fall!
Smiles, Cyndi/frstyfrolk
So sad I won’t be coming this weekend,decided Bella’s allergies just couldn’t handle it. 🙁 Will miss seeing you guys. BTW wrong date for the prom. Wouldn’t want anyone to miss out on a once in a life time experience of the JG Prom. Thursday is Sept 30th.
Good Luck, praying for you all to have a GREAT SHOW!!!
Pot ‘O Gold at the end of the Rainbow…complete with 3 magically funkaliscious leprechauns!
Loved meeting you girls for the first time today. I wanna see Amie in those petticoat panties!! Can’t wait for the Prom!!!
HUgs, Tricia
Hey y’alllll!!! Can you believe it?? I made it all the way to Texas…& came immediately over to meet the cooolest, Junkiest Gypsy’s on earth!
Your tent ROCKS, I couldn’t take enough pictures of all your coolness. Too bad I was soooo da#* hot…maybe tomorrow y’all could set up a little wading pool! LOL We should take bets on how much water weight I can lose in one day. LOL Anywho…sooooo thrilled to have met you today & I’ll be back tomorrow for some more Junky Love!!!!
Big Hugs,
so so soooooo happy to meet you in person!!!! you are like a whirlwind of happiness!!!!! THANK you soooooo much for finding TeXAS worthy of such an epic roadtrip! XOXOXO!
i was so impressed when i entered the big white gypsy tent. it was so worth the anticipated wait!!!
awww….thanks sooo much! kinda how we felt when we walked into TeXAS TRASH in CArMINE, TEXAs for the first time!!!!
Hi gypsies! I am super bummed! I was shopping around your tent and saw a shirt that I really wanted but I was told to buy it online because yall didn’t have my size on location. I went online and I can’t find it. Will they be posted online when yall get back home or did I miss out on a true gem?
so bummed i could not make it out this year once again. i will be back. it sounds like it will be a great year. would of loved to have met rachel ashwell!
did a blog post about my experience of when i was there and how you gals are such an inspiration! i cannot wait for your tv show!!!!
love from the midwest~xo
Wow! What a life! It looks fantastic. Love your style!
This is soo cool! I love all of the pictures! 😀